Services & pricing
People like to make payroll pricing really complicated but it doesn't need to be.
Below you can see our pricing for a typical payroll, one that uses all of our key services.
If you're interested we've included a list of all the services with prices. If there are any services you don't need let us know. You only pay for what you use.
Standard pricing (includes pensions)
1-2 employees
A minimum charge applies that will cover a payroll up to 2 employees
£19.00 monthly
£13.00 weekly
Each additional employee
This is what you will pay for each additional employee over the 2 covered by the minimum charge
£3.50 monthly
£3.00 weekly
Each additional employee (>50)
For larger businesses you will pay less per employee over the first 50
£3.00 monthly
£2.75 weekly
There are no setup charges for existing payrolls.
If this is a new payroll there will be a setup charge of £60. This includes registering for PAYE, pension set up and pension declaration
Key payroll services
Standard payroll
Minimum charge (1-2 employees)
£8.00 weekly
£14.00 monthly
Each additional employee (over 2)
£2.00 weekly
£2.50 monthly
>50 employees
£1.75 weekly
£2.00 monthly
Auto enrolment
FREE weekly
FREE monthly
Pension emails (initial assessment and enrolment)
FREE weekly
FREE monthly
Setting up a pension scheme with chosen pension provider
£20 one off charge for weekly
£20 one off charge for monthly
Declaration of compliance
£20 every 3 years for weekly
£20 every 3 years for monthly
Submission of pension data
£1 per employee (£5 minimum charge) weekly
£1 per employee (£5 minimum charge) monthly
Included at no extra cost
Payslips - electronically
FREE weekly
FREE monthly
Wages book - showing gross to net figures
FREE weekly
FREE monthly
Monthly summary - providing amounts due to HMRC
FREE weekly
FREE monthly
Dealing with all starters and leavers (and providing the necessary forms)
FREE weekly
FREE monthly
Providing P60's electronically
FREE weekly
FREE monthly
Electronic submissions to HMRC
FREE weekly
FREE monthly
Dealing with all statutory payment requirements (eg: SSP, SMP, SPP etc)
FREE weekly
FREE monthly
Additional services available on request
Need something not listed here? Just ask we're happy to provide bespoke services.